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Download and Explore Bitcoin Data with Python: A Tutorial for Crypto Data Analysis

Tap into our live, R & Python codebase with real, working examples that are fully commented. This unique depth of documentation allows you to accelerate your learning curve by understanding the logic behind every line quickly. Access risk centric insights and gain a fundamentally deeper understanding of cryptocurrency markets. [Plus]articles include "Ready to Run" Python or R code that you can quickly copy and run yourself! These articles demonstrate how to pull data from popular exchanges (like Coinbase, Kraken, FTX, DeriBit, Gemini etc), among other techniques.

We provide a wide array of historical cryptocurrency data for FREE. Our time series data sets use three main time intervals: Daily, Hourly, and Minute! Each time series includes Opening price, High price, Low price, and Closing price (OHLC format) data, plus volume data and is organized by cryptocurrency exchange. Some exchanges will also include historical transactional data (trade prints or also known as Tick Data), bid/ask spreads, and orderbook snapshots. All data sets are FREE and available in easy to download CSV format. We are confident that you will not find a greater resource of free cryptocurrency data in one place!

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How to use Cryptocompare API to download cryptocurrency data in Python? Cryptocompare is a cryptocurrency market data provider. And this blog explains how you can go about it with super easy simple steps and readies you to apply it whenever you want!

Where:ticker_symbol: Ticker symbol whose data is requiredcurrency: Currency in which the price is quotedlimit_value: The maximum number of bars to fetch (max. value is 2000)exchange_name: The exchange to use when fetching the datadata_before_timestamp: Return the data before this timestamp (UNIX epoch time or a datetime object)

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Retrieves crypto currency information and historical prices as well as information on the exchanges they are listed on. Historical data contains daily open, high, low and close values for all crypto currencies. All data is scraped from via their 'web-api'.

In this post, we share an open-source solution for running cross-chain analytics on public blockchain data along with public datasets for Bitcoin and Ethereum available through AWS Open Data. These datasets are still experimental and are not recommended for production workloads. You can find the open-source project on GitHub here and the public blockchain datasets here.

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Today, AWS launches accessible Bitcoin and Ethereum blockchain datasets for public use. With the increase of Web3 activity around the world, more and more data is hosted on public blockchains. Although these blockchains are public, accessing and analyzing data across multiple chains continues to be a challenge for Web3 builders. TBs of data sit on these blockchains as users transact tokens, share information, and deploy smart contracts. However, querying these distributed ledgers directly is time consuming, inefficient, and unsuited for analytics.

Each distributed ledger is designed in a unique way and uses different technology stacks and consensus algorithms. The public blockchain datasets allow you to have immediate access to this data without operating dedicated full nodes for the different blockchains and without building complicated ingestion pipelines. In addition, these datasets normalize data into tabular data structures and you can instantly access years worth of data across chains in a format that can be easily analyzed and queried by data scientists and other analytics professionals.

The following architecture diagram shows which AWS services are used to extract the data from the public blockchains and how it is delivered to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3). You can also see which AWS services can be utilized to access this data from the public Amazon S3 bucket.

After taking an initial download of the full blockchain from the first block in 2009 for Bitcoin and in 2015 for Ethereum, an on-chain listener continuously delivers new data to the public Amazon S3 bucket that provides the open datasets. The blockchain data is then transformed into multiple tables as compressed Parquet files partitioned by date to allow efficient access for most common analytics queries.

The schema of the Parquet files is documented for each table and field here. Currently, we provide the historical block and transaction data for both chains and some additional tables for Ethereum that are most commonly used for queries.

On AWS, you can take advantage of multiple tools to access and analyze these datasets. Parquet files in Amazon S3 can be directly queried in Amazon Athena or Amazon Redshift. In addition, we provide Jupyter notebooks here for Amazon SageMaker Studio that demonstrate how to perform cross-chain analytics and how to combine blockchain data with market trends for fundamental on-chain analytics.

To calculate the transaction volume in USD, we also need historical price data for public blockchains. In our GitHub project, we provide a sample Jupyter notebook that pulls prices from a public crypto exchange. Once the market data is loaded, we can combine this data with the public blockchain data and visualize it in a chart. This analysis can help to better understand network adoption changes over time.

If you are looking for a real-time ingestion pipeline from these networks, you can deploy the open-source solution in your own AWS account. This allows you also to create your own data repositories with finer controls for your data access requirements as your application scales and more users use your platform. For customers interested in production grade reliability, real-time access to Blockchain data or other advanced Blockchain data query needs, please contact us at to connect and discuss your use case.

As other blockchains become more widely used, the open-source architecture can be adapted to other blockchains in the ecosystem. Any protocols developed using ERC-20 or ERC-721 can be easily supported because they use the same Ethereum protocol that has already been established in the open datasets. The same extensibility exists for tokens that are forks or variants of Bitcoin.

AWS Glue was first announced at re:Invent in 2016, and was made generally available in August 2017. AWS Glue is a serverless extract, transform and load (ETL) service. ETL is a critical step in operationalizing data analytics, since data cleansing and reformatting is almost always necessary when creating everything from data marts, warehouses, data lakes, machine learning algorithms, metrics dashboards, operational reports, and many other data science projects.

Your company wants to pursue a new service relating to cryptocurrency analysis, and your IT team gets asked to produce a database with historical price information for bitcoin, to feed other analysis processes. Rather than require a significant upfront investment in building the database and the necessary tooling for ongoing analysis and model development, you can leverage AWS Glue and open source development tools like Apache Spark, Python and Apache Zeppelin to enable quick experimentation and further product development. Further, you want to automate the operationalization of this data analysis platform as quickly as possible, and AWS CloudFormation helps with this automation.

After creating the stack, which should take about 40 seconds, check the AWS Glue console where your database and crawler show up on the respective lists immediately. After the crawler runs (in about 5 minutes, per your scheduled cron expression), the table also shows up. After the table creation is complete, you can view the schema from the AWS Glue console (see Figure 3), or execute SQL queries against it using the Athena console (see Figure 4).

For example, maybe you want to merge the data with other events or logs, but those events lack enough structure to build tables from them and join them with your existing tables. Using AWS Glue classifiers, you can use grok expressions to add structure to these additional data sources.

Another example that considers the current data schema would be transforming the UNIX time format field to a conventional date field. AWS Glue allows for the creation of jobs that can do such transforms on fields. It also allows you to use PySpark (Python-based Spark scripts) to do such transformations. You can later operationalize those scripts as jobs in AWS Glue, and have them run periodically or based on a trigger, perhaps to get updated data.

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