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The Secrets of Akiba Rubinstein's Chess: Razuvaev and Murakhvery's Analysis and Commentary

Akiba Rubinstein Razuvaev Pdf 11: A Classic Chess Book for Modern Players


If you are a chess lover, you have probably heard of Akiba Rubinstein, one of the greatest chess players of all time. He was born in Poland in 1882 and became a chess legend in the early 20th century, when he dominated many international tournaments and challenged Emanuel Lasker for the world championship title. He was known for his deep positional understanding, flawless endgame technique, and brilliant combinational play. He also contributed to many opening theories, such as the Meran Variation of the Queen's Gambit Declined, the Rubinstein Variation of the French Defense, and the Rubinstein Attack in the Nimzo-Indian Defense.

Akiba Rubinstein Razuvaev Pdf 11

But have you heard of Akiba Rubinstein by Razuvaev and Murakhvery? This is a classic chess book that was published in Russian in 1980 and is considered one of the best chess books of the 20th century. It was written by Yuri Razuvaev, a Soviet grandmaster, coach, and commentator, who had a gift for explaining chess ideas deeply and simply. He was assisted by Vladimir Murakhvery, a Soviet journalist and biographer, who provided historical and personal details about Rubinstein's life and career.

The book contains a biography of Rubinstein, as well as a selection of his most instructive and beautiful games, annotated by Razuvaev with great insight and clarity. The book covers all aspects of Rubinstein's chess mastery, but focuses especially on his rook endings, which are widely regarded as some of the best ever played. The book also shows how Rubinstein's style influenced many later chess champions, such as Capablanca, Petrosian, Fischer, Karpov, Gelfand, and Carlsen.

The main theme of the book is to show how chess players can learn from Rubinstein's games and improve their own skills and understanding. The book is not only a tribute to Rubinstein's genius, but also a guide for modern players who want to emulate his methods and principles. The book is suitable for players of all levels and styles, as it offers both concrete analysis and general advice. The book is also a source of inspiration and enjoyment, as it reveals the beauty and logic of chess through Rubinstein's masterpieces.

Rubinstein's Rook Endings

One of the most remarkable aspects of Rubinstein's chess was his mastery of rook endings. He was able to handle even the most complex and difficult rook endings with ease and precision, often finding subtle and surprising resources that turned the tables in his favor. He was also able to create rook endings from seemingly equal or worse positions, using his superior technique and understanding to outplay his opponents.

What were the main principles that Rubinstein followed in his rook endings? According to Razuvaev, they were:

  • Active rook placement. Rubinstein always tried to place his rooks on the most active and influential squares, where they could exert pressure on the enemy pawns and king, or support his own passed pawns. He also avoided passive or defensive rook placement, where his rooks would be tied down or restricted by the opponent's threats.

  • Pawn structure evaluation. Rubinstein always paid attention to the pawn structure in the rook endings, as it determined the character and possibilities of the position. He knew when to exchange pawns and when to keep them, when to create passed pawns and when to prevent them, when to advance pawns and when to hold them. He also knew how to exploit the weaknesses in the opponent's pawn structure, such as isolated, doubled, or backward pawns.

  • King activity. Rubinstein always tried to activate his king in the rook endings, as he knew that the king was a powerful piece in the endgame. He used his king to support his pawns, attack the enemy pawns, or create mating threats. He also avoided exposing his king to unnecessary checks or attacks from the enemy rook or pawns.

  • Calculation and intuition. Rubinstein was able to calculate long and complicated variations in the rook endings, often finding hidden resources or forcing moves that changed the evaluation of the position. He was also able to rely on his intuition, when calculation was not enough or too time-consuming, and make accurate decisions based on general principles or experience.

What are some of the most instructive and beautiful examples of Rubinstein's rook endings from the book? Here are three of them:

  • Rubinstein - Salwe, Lodz 1908. This is one of the most famous rook endings in chess history, where Rubinstein demonstrated his amazing technique and creativity. He sacrificed a pawn to reach a theoretically drawn position with four pawns against three on the same side, but then he found a way to create a passed pawn on the opposite side, which gave him a decisive advantage. He then sacrificed another pawn to activate his king and rook, and finally delivered a stunning checkmate with his rook and pawn.

  • Rubinstein - Rotlewi, Warsaw 1907. This is another example of Rubinstein's ability to create rook endings from seemingly equal or worse positions. He sacrificed a pawn in the middlegame to reach a rook ending with two pawns against three on the same side, but with more active pieces. He then used his active rook and king to create threats against the enemy king and pawns, while defending his own pawns with minimal effort. He eventually won a pawn back and reached a winning position with two pawns against one.

  • Rubinstein - Duras, San Sebastian 1912. This is an example of Rubinstein's skill in handling complex and difficult rook endings. He reached a rook ending with four pawns against four on different sides, but with an isolated pawn on the c-file. He then sacrificed this pawn to create a passed pawn on the a-file, while keeping his king and rook active. He then used his passed pawn as a distraction, while transferring his king and rook to the kingside, where he created another passed pawn that decided the game.

How can modern players learn from Rubinstein's rook endings and apply them in their own games? Razuvaev suggests that players should study Rubinstein's games carefully and try to understand his ideas and methods. He also recommends that players should practice solving exercises based on Rubinstein's games, as well as playing similar positions against strong opponents or computers. He believes that by doing so, players will improve their endgame technique and intuition, as well as their overall chess understanding.

Rubinstein's Positional Play

Another aspect of Rub 71b2f0854b

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