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[S1E4] Worst Day Ever

Kirk: So I thought one sentence near the end was a very interesting take to me. Him saying that he liked all those days repeating. In particular,the fact that he kept packing for that trip and then showing up to get dumped every day just blows my entire mind.

[S1E4] Worst Day Ever


Been: OMG mine too. Like I admit I would probably take an approach slightly closer to Nadia's with less ketamine and homelessness because the thought of doing The Exact Same Thing every single time including GETTING DUMPED is just numbing to me.

Kirk: I mean I honestly get the doing the same thing. I would be trying to min-max those days and just varying things a little bit to try to work out my best possible case. My best possible case does not involve getting dumped every day. Like... I can't... I just... I can't! I don't get it.

Been: Also seeing him - I should mention for all zero of our readers that 'he' is Alan who is also Elevator Dude from the last episode - anyway, seeing him walk through the dullest worst day ever really makes you appreciate Nadia's chaotic approach a lot more.

In a job where every call is potentially a matter of life and death, the emergencies can range from wild rescues to natural disasters to tough criminal cases. That means emotions often run high when the characters go through difficult, at times heartbreaking situations. You might want to get some tissues ready before tuning in.

For 28 years, Athena (Angela Bassett) has been haunted by a tragedy in her past. Back when she first became a police officer, her fiancé Emmett (Jeff Pierre) was murdered and the killer was never caught. Now, she is informed that the gun used for the murder has been recovered, and she immediately goes on a mission to bring the perpetrator to justice.

We at last return to Coruscant, specifically to the headquarters of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB). The ISB are the ones making sure citizens are abiding by all the rules, aka doing whatever it takes to maintain Imperial control over everyone.

Lucifer greets Dream, wanting to join their two realms together. Dream though ignores this and stays true to his mission, wanting his Helm back. So the only thing for it, is to summon every single demon to the gates.

The whole subplot involving John is a bit meandering and seems to be added for the pure intent of breaking up the action in Hell. However, we do see some good character development for him, especially handing over the amulet to that kindly woman at the end.

Miss Audrey's worst nightmare is this episode (Photo: Courtesy of (C) Nick Briggs/BBC 2012 for MASTERPIECE)Welcome to the next installment in our recap series that takes us back through the first season of The Paradise before Series 2 begins this Fall!

Mariner gets to work on the gritty tasks laid out before her, but turns the tides into her favor by making the best out of the situations, encouraging her crewmates to join in on the fun, and Freeman is livid to find that Mariner is actually enjoying herself. Finding inspiration in Ransom once again, the captain decides how to deal with her daughter. After collecting the senior officers together with Boimler diligently washing the windows, Captain Freeman pulls the ultimate power move, granting her daughter, a champion underachiever, a promotion.

As the two of them battle wits, Captain Durango and the Merced get too close to the generation ship, rupturing the hull and pulling the elemental fluid (aka Life Juice) into the tractor beam array. In a rapid-fire turn of events, both the Merced and the Cerritos are slowly terraformed by the Life Juice. Tendi is stuck in engineering with the crewmember who never ascended, and the bond amidst the peril surrounding them. Mariner and Freeman (finally) put aside their differences and save the ship and both crews, hinting at the possibility that the captain might actually have to respect what her daughter contributes to the crew.

Terry announces that he is standing down as leader of the DMDC, unleashing a bitter winner-takes-all scramble for presidential power when Andy and Lance fall out over gold. Becky and Sophie are forced to become allies in the Two Brewers pub quiz. Is this Andy's worst idea ever?

Walt, Hank, Skyler, Marie, and Junior have a barbecue at the White residence. Walt reminisces about the first time he met Skyler, which causes her to burst into tears and run inside the house. When Marie asks Walt what is wrong, he tells the rest of the family about his cancer diagnosis. Junior, Hank and Marie are shocked at the news. Skyler blames chemicals from Walt's past lab work for the cancer, Marie proposes an oncology treatment plan, and Hank assures Walt that he will take care of his family if the worst comes to pass.

Michael Simeone: Yeah, we're swimming in charts about COVID-19. To the point where I feel like if all of us close our eyes right now, we can see the spidery jagged lines of states climbing up or climbing down. It's been all over the New York Times Washington Post, every major publication, their data visualization team is making these kinds of things as well.

Shawn Walker: And I would add that these are also very difficult to interpret, because we're using a lot of technical terms in these dashboards and vernacular. Around, you know, what is a case count what is are not, and these get graphed. And these are not common statistics that we use in our everyday lives. So we're having to learn a lot of medical terminology to interpret many of these dashboards. So what does it mean for a positive case? What's the serology tests versus a PCR tests? And these dashboards kind of lay out these numbers, but we don't necessarily always understand the context or how long it takes for a number to appear in the graph or what kind of processing a number might take before we have a test and then how does that eventually appear on a dashboard?

Michael Simeone: Yeah, I mean, their communication devices. Yeah, you know, I think that nothing we're going to talk about today falls under the header of purposefully malicious misinformation campaign, we're going to go through a number of things that almost seem like a blooper reel of ways that we can become misinformed using charts and graphs. Which is ironic because normally we think about charts and graphs as something that's going to clarify something for us or help us. But there can be a number of ways with just I think that's not helpful. So let's get into some things that we've observed and maybe even talk about some specific charts and graphs. Obviously, we can't show these charts and graphs in a conversation, but I think we can do our very best to describe them and paint a picture in everyone's mind.

Shawn Walker: So I, we've worked on a bit of a framework here to discuss this as to why some of these dashboards might be confusing or easy to misinterpret. So one aspect of the dashboards is that they have a long reporting tail, and that you take a test, and that test is sent to a lab, you know, lab interprets that test, and then eventually all that takes this long winding road to end up on the dashboard. It'd be internal And so there's a delay in reporting. So whenever someone might die of COVID, or someone has a positive test, it doesn't immediately pop up on that dashboard. 30 seconds later, it might take a couple of days or even a week for that to appear on the dashboard. And why might that be kind of confusing?

Michael Simeone: So what's one of the charts that we've seen tons and tons of times, especially for case rate, we see two different kinds. One is the line graph, which is just going to show cases over time. And that's where I think a lot of times people are talking about the curve. But the other one we see is actually just accounts of cases over time as skinny little bars that are all racked up from March all the way to the present moment. And that looks a lot like I don't know, Fitbit, telling you about how many steps you took in a day or how many hours of sleep that you got. I think we run into a lot of trouble when some of these tools look very similar to some of the apps that we use every day. It looks like a dashboard that gives us instant up to date information. It's not unreasonable to expect that they look similar. How come This Coronavirus information isn't instant and up to date? It's not like everybody understands how long Coronavirus testing takes, we wouldn't assume that automatically. To me this is confusing because our expectation is that it's instantaneous. Most the time when we interact with things that look like this, the latency period between event and reporting is a lot faster.

Shawn Walker: But despite the age of my watch, the dashboard gets updated in real time. So every time I open the dashboard or I look at the health statistics on my, my phone immediately grabs the data from my watch that shows up in some graphs that look very similar to all these dashboard graphs that I'm seeing on Arizona or Georgia or Florida's website.

Michael Simeone: Right? And so all of these bars are up for revision, they could did taller as the data comes in. So I don't think we're used to that. I mean, can you think of another chart bar chart that someone is going to interact with in their everyday life where we could say Okay, you're looking at it now. But two days from now, these values might be completely different. That's a that is a very different world,

Michael Simeone: Yeah, and even any kind of, you know, projected epidemiological curves that we see in some of these charts and graphs, it's also tough to get your head around the fact that the projection will change. And so it is possible for one of these models to say, Hey, here's where our case rate is predicted to be in a week, and then have that be revised once we learn something new. So the fact that all of this that both the kind of reported past and the predicted future are under revision based on new information that we get, again, that's just not something we deal with every time we open up our iPhone. 041b061a72

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